Tacitas Stones · The Chamber Collection

Serie designed for the show Human | Nature curated by Andrew Zuckerman Tacitas is a unique series of sculpted river stone vessels, from the design studio Bravo. All these objects integrates an important conceptual meaning, by representing through a contemporary lenguage an ancient phenomenon from original cultures of our territory. Originally the stones to which we reference our work, were huge rocks intervened with a large number of cavities, all made completely manually by indigenous. These voids had two important and different meanings: A purely practical one, used as a mortar and for grinding purposes, and then another one with a sacred meaning, where people would filled the cavities with animal blood to drinking so they could connect with their gods. For this series we change the size and scale of the original rocks. Also we use only rounded stones, all of them belong to rivers which are flowing from the Andes Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, which are naturally round shaped so they invite people to handle and touch them. As a result we get these elements which pursue the idea of creating contrast between nature and man. Nature being represented by the exterior surface, leaving the original form and texture of the stones, while the human, is interpreted by the cuts in the top and bottom faces along with the cavities. All geometric elements, perfectly developed and finished through manual processes combined with the use of new technologies.